5515 S. Sawyer Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60629
Office: 773-737-3454
Fax: 773-737-5592
Save your seat at St. Gall School
Application Process
Step 1: Visit and Tour
Schedule your tour by calling our main office at (773) 737-3454, or schedule a tour online and submit our online interest form.
Discuss probable Financial Aid
Step 2: Schedule a Shadow Day
Students will also have the opportunity to meet with the teacher of their corresponding grade-level.
Step 3: Complete the Online Application
Step 4. Submit Registration Fee
$100 from April 1, 2023+
The following documentation will be needed with registration form (or before the start of the school year):
Copy of child’s birth certificate (PK-8)
Most Recent Report Card (K-8)
504 IEP (If applies)
Immunization / Physical Record (PK-8)
Eye Exam (K-8)
Dental Form (K-8)
Standardized Test Results (3-8)
Baptismal certificate (if applicable)
First Communion certificate (if applicable)
Confirmation certificate (if applicable)
Step 5: Admission Status Communicated
Acceptance packets are mailed/emailed
Step 6: Applying for Scholarship (if needed)
Register on FACTS Management for financial assistance and scholarship opportunities.